Dear Paddler
All of the trustees, coaches and instructors at the club want to wish you a very happy Christmas and New-Year.
I know that there hasn’t been much paddling this December due to the really high water levels and the weather, but as a reminder our open booking pool sessions are now available and can be booked online here:
Sessions are posted for the whole of January and there are currently spaces on all of the sessions so get your bookings in and start learning to roll, or become confident in your rolling over the winter.
In addition there are still spaces on the New Year paddle on the 7th of January on the Ashby Canal.
Please follow the booking link above to book for either opportunity.
Kayak Cross is becoming very popular with head to head racing down a WW course, passing gates and doing a roll part way through. British Canoeing are arranging Kayak Cross training at the WW centre in January, please see the attached poster for more information.
Any queries on the Kayak Cross please contact who will explain what the sessions are all about.
All that remains is to wish everyone in the club a very happy Christmas and new-year, and I hope Santa brings some paddling goodies.
Best wishes