Dear Paddler


As a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) the club is required to hold an AGM yearly.

Our next AGM will take place on Saturday 2nd November 2024 at 1.00 pm in the Paddle UK conference rooms at Holme Pierrepont. All members are invited to attend. Sandwiches and refreshments will be available from 12.00 pm. 

Please email secretary@hppcc.co.uk if you would like to attend to help us plan our catering and let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

Opportunity for new Club Chair

After 16 years plus of devoted service to our club Dawn has decided to step down from the role of Chair. In that time Dawn has made a tremendous personal contribution to develop the successful club we have today which provides so many wonderful paddling opportunities for our members. 

We are delighted to say that Dawn will remain an active member of the club, enjoying more time to paddle. Dawn will still be available to support the club with her expertise and advice when needed.

Opportunity for change

Over the last year the Trustees have met a number of times to discuss our current trustee structure and we have identified some concerns and opportunities for improvement.

·       As the club has grown, so too has our trustee numbers to 13 when our constitution limits us to10 charity Trustees.

·       The current flat structure where all trustees report to the Chair overburdens the member in the role of the Chair.

·       Barriers to member participation as a trustee, as trustee positions are linked to specific paddling disciplines this limits the number of potential members who could be trustees.

·       We are missing out on the potential and new ideas of members who do not wish to be instructors or coaches who could offer other valuable skills and experience to the development of our club.

The proposal for the restructuring of the Clubs management structure is to:

—  Slim down the club management committee to 6 trustees.  Retaining the Chair, Treasurer & Secretary roles and creating 3 new wider Trustee roles

—  Retain discipline representatives who will support the development of the individual disciplines within the club, but who will in the future not be trustees

—  Encourage wider member participation by removing the Trustee link to paddling disciplines 

—  Broaden the trustees role to; 

—  supporting our expert coaches who deliver paddling disciplines

—  supporting our many other active paddlers & family supporters who take on club responsibilities  e.g. welfare officers, competition supporters,  paddleability.


In practice this means;


·       You do not have to be an instructor or a coach to become a Trustee, to offer your skills and experience to help develop our club.


·       If you are instructing, coaching or leading in a paddling discipline you do not have to be on the committee as a Trustee, but would be very welcome to do so if you would like to volunteer to take on a broader role.


 Our proposed slimmed down management structure of 6 Trustees and their responsibilities would look like this.





       Trustee (4) role

       Discipline Leads

       Coaching & Volunteers

       Competitions (via Discipline Leads)

       Pool Sessions (via Discipline Leads)

       Youth (via Youth Officer)

       Social paddling & trips

       Trustee (5) role


       Member communications

       Social media

       IT systems


       Diversity & Inclusion


       Social events

       Trustee (6) role

       Health & Safety 

       Activity risk assessment support & approval

       White Water technical safety

       Welfare Officers


       Disclosure & Barring Service checks

All of these changes are in line with the Club’s constitution as a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation, and in line with our constitution as registered with the Charities Commission. We would not need to change the constitution to make these changes.

Our request is for members to discuss the proposal ahead of the AGM, speak to committee members to contribute your views or email them to secretary@hppcc.co.uk. 

If you would be interested in becoming our new club Chair or a Trustee of the club please speak to Dawn or any of the current Trustee committee members, see list below . Alternatively email  Chair@hppcc.co.uk or secretary@hppcc.co.uk. 

Other Club Opportunities

The club depends on the many members and parents who give their time so freely. If you would like to support the club in a role other than as a Trustee we would welcome contact from members who would like the opportunity to contribute in the following areas;

·       Welfare Officers (supporting our younger or vulnerable paddlers)

·       Paddleability (supporting paddlers with additional needs to access our sport)

·       Environment (developing paddler awareness, running events e.g. river clean ups)

·       Member communications & social media (enhancing comms, promoting the club)

·       Diversity & Inclusion (encouraging wider community participation in paddling)

·       Social events (creating opportunities for members to socialise off the water)

·       Paddle Sport Instructors (first step on coaching and leading development routes)

·       Discipline leads for, Youth, Coaching and Volunteers, Recreation, Touring, Slalom, Whitewater, Stand Up Paddleboarding, Raft Racing, Freestyle and Paddle ability.

All of the current trustees believe that this new structure is the best way forward for the club and builds on the considerable progress the club has made in the last 25 years, and will set the club up for the future.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Trevor Tarlton-Weatherall and David  Guntrip for their  contribution to the club following their stepping down from their trustee roles. This means we are seeking new representatives for Recreation and Touring.

We look forward to hearing from members their feedback about the proposed changes. If you would like to know more about the many different opportunities we have for members to make a personal contribution to the running of the club for our members please speak to Dawn or any of our Trustees.  You can also email  Chair@hppcc.co.uk or secretary@hppcc.co.uk.

We look forward to welcoming members at the AGM on Saturday 2nd November.


Ian Law

Secretary on behalf of the Trustees



Dawn Scott


Robin Randall


Ian Law

Coaching & Volunteers

Ian Scott

Free Style

Andrew Good


Chris Nadollek


Beth Kirby




Helen Darby-Dowman


Graham Blakey



White Water

Andy Steel


Chris Newcombe