Dear Paddler

We hope that you have been enjoying your paddling over the summer and just wanted to let you know about forthcoming sessions.
This bank holiday weekend there will be WW coaching, and a social river paddle but there will be no coached sessions this week to allow coaches some time off. There will be someone at the club to open up for those who have booked for the session.
Thanks go to Trevor and the WW coaches who have run rescue and rolling sessions in the afternoons. These have been very popular and have helped people to practice and refine their rolls.
Thanks go to everyone who helped to remove substantial quantities of Pennywort from the Beeston Canal last weekend. The Canal and River Trust (CRT) were very grateful for the club’s help, but there is considerably more work to do.
We will be organising another club trip to help with this. You get a bit of a paddle and then an opportunity to drag the pennywort to the side where the CRT will dispose of it.
Pennywort is highly invasive, grows rapidly and chokes waterways. Remember that when you have paddled somewhere you should follow good bio-security and
- Clean – wash your craft with clean water at the end of the paddle
- Check – make sure there are no organisms or vegetation attached to your craft
- Dry – make sure your kit and craft are aired out so that anything that might have hitched a ride will die in the fresh air.
As paddlers we have a responsibility to make sure that we don’t transfer invasive species such as signal crayfish or pennywort to other rivers.

An opportunity
Would you like to be a video star?
British Canoeing would like to make a video about good manual handling skills and lifting and carrying boats and would like to film some volunteers, we need all ages, sizes and types of paddlers to demonstrate good practice. If you can be free during the day, or at a weekend to film please let me know and I will pass your details on to British Canoeing, as they will be filming it at the club.
Finally just a quick notice that British Canoeing have issued 2 safety notices for recalls on SUPS that have potential fatal flaws. These can be found here.
We hope that you have a safe bank holiday.
Kind regards
Dawn Scott
Chair of Trustees