Dear Paddler
We just wanted to give you an update on events that will be coming up over the next month or so.
Saturday 19th August 1pm – Places still available on our Paddle Safer course – this is a fantastic course which gives those basic safety skills that you will need on trips or when going out paddling with friends. Please book through EOLA on the booking portal.
Saturday 19th August 1pm – informal rescue practice. Why not stay on after the session and take part in some informal rescue practice, if you have done a Paddle Safer course previously, or you want to practice your rescue skills as a coach or leader. Ideal for potential leaders and coaches, no need to book separately just stay on after the session. Starts at 1pm.
Saturday 26th August – Club trip on the River Tame at Tamworth down to the River Trent. Minibus and Trailer will be available if enough people book for the trip. This is a great bit of river to paddle and is suitable for anyone who has paddled up to Trent Bridge and back. Please book through EOLA on the booking portal.
Saturday 26th August – No general club session due to the Bank Holiday weekend, but the club trip is available for those wanting to do it.
Saturday 2nd/Sunday 3rd September – Premier Division Slalom competition. This event is organised by our club so support would be welcomed and if you are able to help with anything such as boat weighing, marshalling etc please contact Will Coney on who would be happy to have some extra help.
There will be a normal flat water club session on this weekend but no White Water sessions as the race is on for the whole weekend.
Sunday 24th September – Club Trip River Trent in Staffordshire. Depending on the water levels this might be Great Hayward (Finally!!!!!) or if water conditions are against us, around Rugely. More details to come shortly on this trip. Bookings can be made on EOLA.
Take care and remember if you are paddling on different waterways to Check, Clean and Dry your boat and kit before paddling on different waters.
Kind regards