Dear [First_name]
On Saturday the 19th of November the club will not be holding the normal recreational flat water sessions. (The WW sessions will continue as normal).
Instead we are offering a great free opportunity to support the Canals and River Trust (CRT) with the fantastic work that they do keeping our canals clean and tidy.
The Beeston canal has a problem with Floating Pennywort which is an invasive species, and if not removed from the canal can cover the surface rapidly, removing oxygen from the water, damaging wildlife and blocking the canal.
During the summer, some of the club paddlers supported the CRT with removing a large quantity, but now we need to go back and do more.
We are offering this as an opportunity for club members to get involved, and we will take as many boats/SUPs that might be needed on a trailer as we can fit on.
As many of our club coaches will be involved in doing their bit, we won’t have coaches available on that Saturday to run the session.
You are welcome to use any boat that you like, but Open Canoes and SUPs are particularly well suited for loading the pennywort onto/into.
Please book using the portal on Eola, the activity is free, just choose the £1 member discount when you book, and we can then send you the joining instructions. We will be meeting by the Canal and have a short paddle up the canal to where the biggest areas are that need tackling.
Hopefully as a club we will be able to do our bit to keep our waterways in the best possible health.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Kind regards