Rolling practice available on a Thursday night

Dear Paddler Following on from our recent announcement regarding the pool sessions there are three spaces available on the first block of Freestyle pool sessions. In order to ensure that these sessions don’t run at a loss we are now…

Important information Pool Sessions

Dear Paddler I am delighted to announce that our pool winter sessions will be available to book on Thursday and Friday of this week. It is really important that paddlers wanting to book read the instructions below carefully. Block 1…

AGM reminder

Good afternoon everyone Just a reminder that the Club AGM will take place next Saturday after the club paddling session. You can attend in person or by Zoom. If you wish to attend in person and want a light lunch…

HPPCC AGM Calling notice

Dear Paddler We would like to invite you to our 2022 Annual General Meeting.   As a registered charity, the club needs to hold an AGM yearly to report back to members on the club’s activities, future plans, approve our…

Winter pool sessions

Dear Paddler I am delighted to let you know that the pool sessions will be back this Winter at the Ken Martin pool on a Saturday afternoon.  In addition the Freestyle section will be starting pool sessions on a Thursday…

HPPCC Update

Dear Paddler We hope that you have been enjoying your paddling over the summer and just wanted to let you know about forthcoming sessions. This bank holiday weekend there will be WW coaching, and a social river paddle but there…

August club updates

Dear Paddler Welcome to the August update from the club. Safety and Rescue Training – this has been so popular that we have added another Thursday night session for 8 more places.  You can book now for Thursday the 11th…

Rescue and Rolling sessions

Dear Paddler Trevor is going to be running three sessions for paddlers who want to learn some basic skills in rescuing boats and people from the water. The sessions are 2 and a half hours long and are on a…

Seasonal work available at the centre

Dear Paddler The WW centre are recruiting for two kiosk operators to wash wetsuits and assist the centre through the season.  All applications are welcome, but they would be happy to accept applications for anyone over the age of 16.…

Sessions and Trips

Dear Paddler As the world freestyle championships are taking place there will be no regular Saturday sessions for the next two weeks. There will be a trip next week on the Great Hayward loop in Staffordshire.  Booking is now available…